Dressage Legal Bits
Making sure your tack and equipment is competition legal is imperative. Rules seem to be assessed every 6 months so its important to double-check that your competition tack is allowed in your specific discipline within the equine world.
Investing your time into finding a show legal bit that works for your horse is worth it, so you both can enter the event with more peace of mind. The bit is used to communicate with your horse through hand aids, making it a very important piece of equipment indeed.
On To The Important Stuff!
Only smooth mouthpieces are legal; therefore, any twists or alterations along the bars are forbidden. The mouthpiece's diameter, measured at the rings or cheeks of the mouthpiece, must be a minimum of 10 mm for snaffles and 12 mm for curbs in USEF competitions.
See below the BD Handbook of Approved Tack for British Dressage Competitions: