Eric Sweet Iron Weymouth
Fager Eric is recommended if you would describe your horse as the following:
- Has sensitive bars and tongue.
- Is fussy in the mouth and overreacts to pressure.
- Has a conformationally small mouth and tongue, smaller than the average horse.
- Easily develops cuts, rubs and sores on the bars/corners of the mouth.
- Falls behind the contact in other Weymouth bits.
Eric's mouthpiece is a comfortable, low-ported Weymouth bit manufactured in grey Sweet Iron. Sweet Iron encourages a young or unbalanced horse to accept the bit and carry themselves correctly.
Eric is a very stable mouthpiece providing the perfect choice for introducing a double bridle for the first time as the conformation allows more space for the Bridoon.
The chain is important to divide the pressure between the mouth-poll and chin.
Hooks and chains are included